At Tipping Point Theatre, we believe passionately in the transformative power of storytelling and theatre’s potential to make a difference. By contributing to Tipping Point, you directly support this work and are contributing to a thriving arts community in Northville and beyond. 

Thank you for considering a gift today! This season was another great success for us and it’s because of your support that we can provide you with quality theatre right here in Northville.


  • Recognition in each show program

    Opportunity to vote on our Members’ Choice Awards (returning for Season 17!)

  • all the Apprentice benefits plus…

    Opportunity to purchase single tickets three days in advance of the general public

  • all the Actor benefits plus...

    • $3 discount on guest tickets

    • Recognition in our lobby

  • all the Director benefits plus...

    • Two concession vouchers per show

    • Invitation to attend a table read

  • all the Producer benefits plus...

    • First access to all tickets and seating

    • Waived fees on single tickets and ticket changes

    • Invitation to an annual dinner with TPT leadership

If you'd like to partner, sponsor, or discuss a larger gift or planned giving, please contact Brian Sage, Company Manager at:

TIpping point in the community

As a non-profit 501(c)3 arts organization, Tipping Point Theatre provides the community with much more than just our six main-stage productions each season.  

We employ approximately 90 Michigan artists each year, including actors, directors and designers, and our 16,000+ patrons spend over $503,000 in the local community before and after they attend performances.

Each year, the theatre provides staff for student productions at Northville High School and partners with Plymouth’s PUPs children’s theatre program. Our apprenticeship program helps prepare recent college graduates for careers in the arts and our staff volunteers for special programs at local universities.

The Sandbox Play Festival provides local artists with the opportunity to see their work performed and has been a part of Northville’s Arts & Acts Festival for the past eight years. Additionally, the theatre’s staff contributes time and donations to a number of local clubs, organizations and groups.