We hope you're all safe and healthy during this difficult time. We're hard at work from our homes, ensuring that we'll be able to get back to producing live, professional theatre as soon as it's safe for everyone to rehearse, perform and attend the shows!

April 7, 2020 | Our Director of Development shares an update on "Prelude to a Kiss," the rest of Season 13 and more.


Key points from the video:

The Baxter Sisters:

  • Thank you to all who donated their ticket purchase or requested a gift certificate in exchange for "The Baxter Sisters."

  • If you haven't yet contacted us but want to donate the cost of your ticket, no further action is needed - we'll send you a donation receipt soon.

The Rest of Season 13:

  • Tipping Point will present two more productions as part of season 13. The dates of these productions will be announced as soon as we have new information from the Governor and medical professionals.

  • Tickets for the 5th and 6th shows of Season 13 will not go on sale until we confirm our updated performance dates. We will send out additional information as it becomes available.

  • At this point, since we will be presenting two more shows, we will not be asking for anyone to donate their ticket price for the last two productions of the season, nor will we be issuing partial refunds for season pass purchases.

Everything Else:

  • We're working on finalizing plans for Season 14 and will announce those shows as soon as possible.

  • Tipping Point continues to employ our staff and follow all guidelines related to flattening the curve.

  • We appreciate the messages our patrons have been sending and the donations that will help keep our non-profit organization afloat during this difficult time.

  • Tipping Point fully intends to reopen as soon as it's safe for our audience, artists, staff and community.

Stay home, stay safe, and we will see you soon.


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Thoughts on the Program | Toni